Prerequisite reading:
Interfacing with the hardware of PSLab, fetching the data and plotting it is very simple and straight forward. Various sensors can be connected to PSLab and data can be fetched with a simple python code as shown in the following example…
>>> from PSL import sciencelab >>> I = sciencelab.connect() # Initializing: Returns None if device isn't found. The initialization process connects to tty device and loads calibration values.
# An example function that measures voltage present at the specified analog input
>>> print I.get_average_voltage('CH1')
# An example to capture and plot data
>>> I.set_gain('CH1', 3) # set input CH1 to +/-4V range
>>> I.set_sine1(1000) # generate 1kHz sine wave on output W1
>>> x,y = I.capture1('CH1', 1000, 10) # digitize CH1 1000 times, with 10 usec interval
>>> plot(x,y)
>>> show()
# An example function to get data from magnetometer sensor connected to PSLab
>>> from PSL.SENSORS import HMC5883L #A 3-axis magnetometer >>> M = HMC5883L.connect() >>> Gx,Gy,Gz = M.getRaw()
The module contains all the functions required for communicating with PSLab hardware. It also contains some utility functions. The class ScienceLab() contains methods that can be used to interact with the PSLab.
After initiating this class, all the features built into the device can be accessed using various function calls.
Capture1 : for capturing one trace
capture1(ch, ns, tg)
- ch : Channel to select as input. [‘CH1′..’CH3′,’SEN’]
- ns : Number of samples to fetch. Maximum 10000
- tg : Time gap between samples in microseconds
#Example >>> x,y = I.capture1('CH1', 1000, 10) # digitize CH1 1000 times, with 10 usec interval
Returns : Arrays X(timestamps),Y(Corresponding Voltage values)
Capture2 : for capturing two traces
capture2(ns, tg, TraceOneRemap='CH1')
- ns : Number of samples to fetch. Maximum 5000
- tg : Time gap between samples in microseconds
- TraceOneRemap : Choose the analogue input for channel 1 (Like MIC OR SEN). It is connected to CH1 by default. Channel 2 always reads CH2.
#Example >>> x,y1,y2 = I.capture2(1600,1.75,'CH1') # digitize CH1 and CH2, 1600 times, with 1.75 usec interval
Returns: Arrays X(timestamps),Y1(Voltage at CH1),Y2(Voltage at CH2)
Capture4 : for capturing four taces
capture4(ns, tg, TraceOneRemap='CH1')
- ns: Number of samples to fetch. Maximum 2500
- tg : Time gap between samples in microseconds. Minimum 1.75uS
- TraceOneRemap : Choose the analogue input for channel 1 (Like MIC OR SEN). It is connected to CH1 by default. Channel 2 always reads CH2, channel 3 always reads CH3 and MIC is channel 4 (CH4)
#Example >>> x,y1,y2,y3,y4 = I.capture4(800,1.75) # digitize CH1-CH4, 800 times, with 1.75 usec interval
Returns: Arrays X(timestamps),Y1(Voltage at CH1),Y2(Voltage at CH2),Y3(Voltage at CH3),Y4(Voltage at CH4)
Capture_multiple : for capturing multiple traces
capture_multiple(samples, tg, *args)
- samples: Number of samples to fetch. Maximum 10000/(total specified channels)
- tg : Time gap between samples in microseconds.
- *args : channel names
# Example >>> from pylab import * >>> I=interface.Interface() >>> x,y1,y2,y3,y4 = I.capture_multiple(800,1.75,'CH1','CH2','MIC','SEN') >>> plot(x,y1) >>> plot(x,y2) >>> plot(x,y3) >>> plot(x,y4) >>> show()
Returns: Arrays X(timestamps),Y1,Y2 …
Capture_fullspeed : fetches oscilloscope traces from a single oscilloscope channel at a maximum speed of 2MSPS
capture_fullspeed(chan, amples, tg, *args)
- chan: channel name ‘CH1’ / ‘CH2’ … ‘SEN’
- tg : Time gap between samples in microseconds. minimum 0.5uS
- *args : specify if SQR1 must be toggled right before capturing. ‘SET_LOW’ will set it to 0V, ‘SET_HIGH’ will set it to 5V. if no arguments are specified, a regular capture will be executed.
# Example >>> from pylab import * >>> I=interface.Interface() >>> x,y = I.capture_fullspeed('CH1',2000,1) >>> plot(x,y) >>> show()
Returns: timestamp array ,voltage_value array
Set_gain : Set the gain of selected PGA
set_gain(channel, gain)
- channel: ‘CH1’ , ‘CH2’
- gain : (0-7) -> (1x,2x,4x,5x,8x,10x,16x,32x)
Note: The gain value applied to a channel will result in better resolution for small amplitude signals.
# Example >>> I.set_gain('CH1',7) #gain set to 32x on CH1
- Get_average_voltage : Return the voltage on the selected channel
get_average_voltage(channel_name, **kwargs)
- Arguments
- channel_name: ‘CH1’,’CH2’,’CH3’, ‘MIC’,’IN1’,’SEN’
- **kwargs : Samples to average can be specified. eg. samples=100 will average a hundred readings
# Example >>> print I.get_average_voltage('CH4') 1.002
Get_freq : Frequency measurement on IDx. Measures time taken for 16 rising edges of input signal. returns the frequency in Hertz
get_average_voltage(channel='Fin', timeout=0.1)
- Arguments
- channel : The input to measure frequency from. ‘ID1’ , ‘ID2’, ‘ID3’, ‘ID4’, ‘Fin’
- timeout : This is a blocking call which will wait for one full wavelength before returning the calculated frequency. Use the timeout option if you’re unsure of the input signal. returns 0 if timed out
# Example >>> I.sqr1(4000,25) >>> print I.get_freq('ID1') 4000.0
Return float: frequency
- Get_states : Gets the state of the digital inputs. returns dictionary with keys ‘ID1’,’ID2’,’ID3’,’ID4’
#Example >>> print get_states() {'ID1': True, 'ID2': True, 'ID3': True, 'ID4': False}
- Get_state : Returns the logic level on the specified input (ID1,ID2,ID3, or ID4)
- Arguments
- input_id : The input channel ‘ID1’ -> state of ID1 ‘ID4’ -> state of ID4
#Example >>> print I.get_state(I.ID1) False
- Set_state : Set the logic level on digital outputs SQR1,SQR2,SQR3,SQR4
- Arguments
- **kwargs : SQR1,SQR2,SQR3,SQR4 states(0 or 1)
#Example >>> I.set_state(SQR1=1, SQR2=0) #sets SQR1 HIGH, SQR2 LOw, but leave SQR3,SQR4 untouched.